Tuesday, August 17, 2010

So Cal 2nd Annual EGGfest!

Come visit

our booth!

What is an

An Eggfest is a venue for Big Green Egg enthusiasts to showcase their talents on the Big Green Egg barbecue .  It is also an opportunity for those who have been  contemplating a Big Green Egg to sample the foods and talk to other egg enthusiasts.  In other words the Eggfest is a good excuse to get a bunch of people together and make some great food.  Cooks come from all over to showcase their talents and the attendees get the pleasure of being the audience.  You may be wondering if you need to own a Big Green Egg to be a cook, and the answer is no. There are demo Eggs available for people who wish to take an Egg for a test run.  You never know, you may begin to turn into an Egg Head yourself!  If you do, don’t worry, there will be Demo Eggs available for purchase at discounted rates.

Outdoor Kitchen Creations is excited to be hosting the second annual Southern California Eggfest and hope you will make the trip to come out and enjoy a beautiful California weekend.  Along with the Eggfest, there are many local attractions that will fill up your weekend.  Beaches and mountains are nearby, and Disneyland is about 35 minutes from the EGGfest.  Another great area within a few miles is downtown Claremont.  You can make a great vacation out of this EGGfest weekend if you'd like to!  We hope to see you there!


  1. Preeminent site, pls contiune your work and keep us update with fresh storys

  2. Thank you Norbert! I always wondered if anyone really reads this blog! :) Glad you like it! You should try our BBQ Sauce Kit, we give free samples (just pay for shipping & handling)! You can order your free sample from our website. I would love your testimonial! Best of Luck to you in the New Year! -- Auntie Heather
